
We start the week with Sunday dinner. It gives me purpose for the week, a smile on my face and a reminder that all things in life matter but it is the little things that bring us joy.

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Dumb Ass Of The Year 86

Just how stupid is the human race? Pretty stupid, if you take a look at these stories.

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Author’s notes: All characters in this story are over 18. This is a fictional story, but it was inspired by an incident from my working days. A coworker confided that she wanted a month long trial separation but her husband didn’t.

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Dumb Ass Of The Year 31

Dumb Ass Of The Year 14

People wonder why “climate change” replaced “global warming.” [Dumb Scientist] When did “Global Warming” become politically incorrect and “Climate Change” became politically correct?

18 Year , Dumb and Full of CUm HOE Fucked P2 free

Dumb Ass Of The Year 75

The s Are Dumb trope as used in popular culture. Cats Are Mean, right? s, on the other hand, are obedient and loyal. Unfortunately in the modern age, ” …

Watch Dumb Ass. Shocking and bizarre videos only true macho’s can handle.

Smart Ass Questions If bars aren’t allowed to serve drunk people, then why is McDonald’s still allowed to serve fat people? If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?

Dumb Ass Of The Year 2

Dumb Ass Of The Year 121

May 25, 2011 · Not a single one of your “dumb” phrases is ever meant to be taken literally. They’re all just idioms which have found their way into the current lexicon–we all know what they mean.

Even if I appreciate good and enriching conversations I changed my viewpoint in terms of arguing with dumb people in the last few years. A few years back in time I always tried to convince a potential idiot and tried to tutor him or at least to make him realize that his opinions aren’t the most intelligent in the world.

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