
Jun 06, 2015 · Hi Heather, My manfriend and I have been having sex for a while now, and it’s great… except I can’t have an orgasm. I don’t know why. I fake it for him sometimes because I feel bad but I’m starting to feel like something is wrong with me!

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Down with ill-cliteracy! The tongue is mightier than the sword! mans and teens-in-arms (and legs and butts and hearts and souls), bring your huddled masses to this book and embrace orgasm equality!

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What if the key to success was in only having one orgasm a month? Would you do it?

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What’s worse: never being able to get a woman off, or spending a lifetime believing you brought every woman to incredible climax, only to learn they had all faked it?

Apr 19, 2018 · Research on fruit flies reveals exactly what makes mating so appealing, and what happens when it’s withheld.

Most men – justifiably – believe our facial expression provides the best possible indicator of whether or not we’re faking orgasm.

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Health Here’s Why So Many Women Can’t Orgasm During Sex This one goes out to all the vaginas that aren’t all that enthused by penetration alone.

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Q. Doctor, I am a guy of 20, and I am wondering if there is something wrong with me. You see, I have a beautiful teenfriend, but I simply cannot orgasm inside her.

Why is it that before menopause orgasm was relatively easy, but after menopause, many women struggle with orgasm? How to make orgasm after menopause easier!

Orgasm (from Greek ὀργασμός orgasmos “excitement, swelling”; also sexual climax) is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual excitement during the sexual response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the …

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