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Scientists find the gene that makes men gay — or very open about sex. It’s hard to tell Participants in the study were rated for sexual orientation based on their sexual feelings.

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‘They Tell Me a Demon Lives Inside Me’ A man targeted in Chechnya for being gay discovers Europe offers no safe haven from his tormentors

Do you have a weird feeling that your manfriend might be gay? Do your friends ever ask you about it? Read these signs to get a better idea of what you might be dealing with.

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BBC Sport – Richie Anderson: It’s time to tell my football team-mates I’m gay

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Feb 10, 2018 · The first two openly gay US winter Olympians took to social media Friday to tell Vice President Mike Pence what they think of his position on gay rights.

The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act of 2010 (H.R. 2965, S. 4023) is a landmark United States federal statute enacted in December 2010 that established a process for ending the Don’t ask, don’t tell (manT) policy (10 U.S.C. § 654), thus allowing gays, lesbians, and bisexuals to serve openly in the United States Armed Forces.

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Jul 23, 2011 · WASHINGTON — President Obama formally certified on Friday that the American military is ready for the repeal of the “ don’t ask, don’t tell ” policy as Pentagon officials said that nearly two million service members had been trained in preparation for gay men and women serving openly in

Can a computer tell if you’re GAY? Artificial intelligence system guesses your sexuality with 91% accuracy just by looking at a photo of your face

May 01, 2018 · “So many nights on stage, I’d see so many , gay fans singing their hearts out and I wanted so badly to let you know, I was you,” Bass added.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (manT), byname for the former official U.S. policy (1993–2011) regarding the service of homosexuals in the military.