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A depraved paedophile who used online blackmail to target a string of vulnerable victims was sentenced to 32 years in jail yesterday as chilling images revealed his squalid lair. Footage shot inside Matthew Falder’s flat in Birmingham shows clothes, food containers and socks over the floor – as well

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All are presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. Please email me at [email protected] if you see any inaccurate information.

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INFORMATION ON ALL HOMICIDES FROM 2010-2018 INCLUDING PAUL MASSEY (PICTURED) KILLED IN MANCHESTER IN JULY 2015 Presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.

Introduction. Please note that most of these Brand Names are registered Trade Marks, Company Names or otherwise controlled and their inclusion in this index is strictly for information purposes only.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Bailey, Alice. THE EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY, Lucis Publishing Co., 1957. 2. Alder, Vera Stanley. WHEN HUMANITY COMES OF AGE, NY: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1974.

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